Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2020, 8 (27): 28-34
UDC 338.27 : 519.71 : 330.46
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689/2020/8(27)/4

Victoriia Mykytenko
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Abstract: A set of resource-functional determinants of sustainable management has been determined, substantiated and formed using the scientific-natural and methodological principles of physical economy. They are represented by various forms of organization, development and transformation of the natural environment in the format of a mega- model of purposeful influence and management of four physiocratic resource bases. They recognized: natural resource processes (material, energy and natural resources); production processes (technological resources); societal processes (information base and social communicative alarm connections); economic processes (organizational and economic resources).
The applied tools for determining the order of search, accumulation and involvement of four physiocratic resource bases to ensure and targeted localization of efforts of management entities that take care of key sets of tasks in the field of sustainable management at different levels of management of different dynamic systems. The latter are recognized as territorial natural and economic entities, national and regional socio-economic systems, which currently operate in resource constraints with the ever-increasing socio-political, economic and resource threats and risks to sustainable development of the state and its regions. It is recommended to develop applied tools, permanently refining the sequence of procedures when changing external conditions, through the use of scientific and natural provisions of physical economy, systems theory and turbulence in order to: a) initiate signs of laminarity of four basic processes (economic, social, industrial and natural resource); b) prevention of turbulent shifts. Taking into account the principles of identifying the complexity of the trajectories of the channels and their ability to adjust allowed to establish: the sequence of balancing the turbulent features of the channel of the implementation of processes: natural resources, production, societal, economic, priority of adjustment, first of all, of natural resource and production processes among others.
Key words: physical economy, sustainable management, resource bases, turbulent shifts, laminar flow.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2020
Date of online version: 2020